However if we are less confident in it's findings, then we should look into backing up your data and resetting your phone. If it finds some actual viruses and we are able to clean them, then that might be all we need to do. If you have questions about what it finds, let me know. Have it scan, let it go through the whole process, then address the results. Stick with reputable vendors, I would recommend Sophos or Malwarebytes. Once the cleaning is done, download an antivirus from the play store. If you don't have a built in cleaner, go through some of your heave use apps and clear the cache manually. Don't download cleaners, they're almost all full of spam and viruses. If your phone has a built in tool for it, use that.

Next you should clear your phones cache and excess stuff. After you remove the modded kik, go through your apps in your settings and try to find any app you don't need any more, installed recently, and anything that seems out of place. Now for fixing your phone, there could be a number of things it did that could be causing these ads. Lesson being to only download apps from places you 100% know are safe, and even then to be cautious. First of all, don't beat yourself up over it.